2020.02.11 18:00 [Sydney] Rorosyd - Ruby or Rails User Group Sydney

Rorosyd - Ruby or Rails User Group Sydney

When: February 11, 2020 at 18:00
Where: Amazon Web Services - 2 Park St, Sydney
RSVPs: 76

Welcome to the February 2020 edition of ROROSyd! Our thanks go to this month's venue sponsor: AWS, who have kindly let us use their event space.

You will require photo ID for this meetup as you'll need to be signed in when you arrive.

Let's kick this year into gear with some crackin' talks from some unlikely places, our line up tonight includes:

Presentations - 15 minutes

Gentle introduction to Dreamcast programming with mruby
- Yuji Yokoo

Pattern Matching in Ruby and Elixir
- Josh Price

Lightning Talks - 5 minutes

Exercism: Scrabble Score
- Gael Jerop

Rob, Paul, Mat, Gael

Follow us on Twitter at @rorosyd!

Want to speak at RORO event? Tell us about what you want to present here! https://github.com/rails-oceania/roro/issues

Want to host a RORO event? Get in touch with the organisers either at the meetup or via Twitter! @rorosyd, @matpushbuttons, @geerop254, @paulfioravanti, @robcornish

RORO Syd is run under the Ruby Australia Code of Conduct. We want to provide a friendly and welcoming environment for everyone who attends, where harassment of any kind is not tolerated. More details can be found here: https://ruby.org.au/code-of-conduct

Note: replies in this topic are synchronized with the meetup event comments

Paul Fioravanti

AWS is on level 37.

Paul Fioravanti

AWS is on level 37

Marcus Crowley

I am looking for a Rails developer to join us either full-time or for contract work: https://www.seek.com.au/job/40983298?_ga=2.129987599.287221464.1581889721-460568296.1574631339 If you know Vue too, so much the better.