• Pat Allan
• Kieran Andrews
• Ryan Biggs
• Lee Sheppard
• Aaron Moodie
• Caroline Bambrick
• Rachael Goodenough
• Cameo Langford
17th December 2019
1. Regular Business:
a. Finances (RB)
i. Public liability insurance
ii. Hotel booking for conf
Ryan - 140k currently in bank. Money coming in from RubyConf tickets and sponsorship. Currently paying out for stuff like Hotel bookings for the Conf.
b. RubyConf AU (RG)
Pat - Rache isn’t here, it sounds like its coming together. They’ve got the events sorted, the speakers are being announced. Seems to be a bit more focused on local speakers this time which is great. I guess we will see how that all ticks along.
c. Rails Camps (KA)
. Looking at venues - started with Woodhouse
i. Rough date is 16th of May
ii. Team will be meeting soon
Kieran - Started contacting venues and getting quotes for accomodation and catering. Planning to set up a meeting with the team of people who wanted to help. Sorta got a rough date being the 16th.
d. Rails Girls (LS)
Pat – I don’t have any news from Brisbane or Melb.
Lee – I said I would take over as the lead organiser in Sydney and posted in our slack. Im pushing forward with organising the next one. Looking at a co-working facility for the next location. Aiming for March.
2. Occasional Business
a. Website
i. Add logos
Aaron – I have not yet added the logos. Ill add in this evening. Do we have a place that we track our to-dos
Pat – If you want to throw items straight into trello – go for it. I just use pen and paper and then add it to trello if needed
ii. Survey results
Aaron – The thing is the charts. I looked at chartjs, probably the best way is to get it out so it’s not languishing. I’ll need to update the whole thing to get it in there. It won’t be a quick fix or simple solution. Short of changing the library, let’s just get it out there.
b. Sponsorship
. Aaron to reach out to Sox for handover
3. Irregular Business
. Open committee roles
Pat – Had a chat with Sox. We need someone to do a handover with her.
Aaron – I’m happy to talk with Sox and help out in the short term because I think we need to keep that ball rolling.
. Sponsorship
a. Meetup accounts (KA)
- . Melbourne and Sydney now moved over (thanks Pat)*
Kieran – Yes thanks Pat for helping out with that email. Looks like we’ve accepted the Melbourne and Sydney meetup accounts. We now currently have three, couple more to go. We’ll chase up the rest in the new year.
b. RubyConf AU 2021 EOI
*c. Site update *
d. Sponsorship Processes
Pat – I feel like this is something we can revisit next month. Aaron ill give you a chance to catchup with Sox.
Aaron – Do we have a committee source of documentation?
Pat – The forum is probably the place for that. There is a committee only tag. If you don’t have access, let me know. We also have policies which are on the website.
e. Documenting processes for event organisers
. Preparations around Code of Conduct
Pat – I don’t think there is anything there that needs to be done right now. I want to add a few things in from past discussions we’ve had here. Making sure we have processes around that its mentioned and enforced at camps. Making sure that organisers know that they need to report all incidents back up to the chain to us.
i. Mentioning sponsors and other events
Pat – Kieran you’re happy to have that on your radar?
Kieran – Yep, cool.
ii. Mailing lists
Pat – I want to setup a mailing list for meeting organisers. For example, so we can reach out to them about the AGM, sponsor updates, general updates. It would be good to keep them in the loop.
Aaron – Are most of those event organisers on slack?
Pat – Yes, however it’s a little hard to track. Its hard to track who’s an event organiser seeing as it can change. An email might be a more reliable way of reaching them/ more official.