At the forthcoming Annual General Meeting for Ruby Australia on April 27th 2020, there will be elections for the roles of Vice President and two General Members in the organisation’s committee.
The role descriptions are below - if you are interested in nominating yourself or someone else for the role, please use our form to do so. If you cannot be present at the General Meeting, you must make any nomination submissions ahead of time so they can be confirmed and considered by those present (and indeed, we recommend discussing potential nominations with nominees ahead of time).
Vice President
The Vice President’s chief role is to assist the President in their duties - and to take on their duties when the President is absent. They also can assist other members with their roles as needed.
Expected time required to perform this role: 4-5 hours per week. The term for this position is 12 months.
General Members
General members are tasked with supporting the current needs of the organisation in various ways. They might be focusing on particular aspects of the organisation like the website, sponsorship, social media and other member communication. We try to utilise the strengths and interests of each member to the best effect, and to allow them a fair amount of autonomy in their area of focus.
Expected time required to perform this role: 2-3 hours per week. The term for this position is 12 months.
Again: if you are interested in nominating yourself or someone else for the role, please use our form to do so.
And if you’ve any questions about these roles or the committee more generally, please reply here or email and the current committee will be in touch.