2018.08.14 18:00 [Sydney] Rorosyd - Ruby or Rails User Group Sydney

Rorosyd - Ruby or Rails User Group Sydney

When: August 14, 2018 at 18:00
Where: Airtasker - Level 3, 71 York St, Sydney
RSVPs: 106

Welcome to the August edition of RORO! We have another full roster of great speakers this month, so come and join us for dinner and a show!

# Presentations - 15 minutes

* Successfully Outsourcing an Offshore ROR Team - Costa Koulis :: @costakoulis
* Breadth First Analysis - John Coote :: @johnofsydney

# Lightning Talks - 5 minutes

* Fun with Enumerator - Aidan Samuel :: @cyclotron3k
* Exercism: Anagram - Richard Heycock :: @filterfish

Look forward to seeing you there!


Want to speak at a future RORO? Tell us about what you want to present here! https://github.com/rails-oceania/roro/issues

Note: replies in this topic are synchronized with the meetup event comments

Costa Koulis

Hey everyone - as requested a link to the speaker slides of Successfully Outsourcing an Offshore RoR Team: https://www.slideshare.net/secret/zzaZ6uqumhHlCw

John Coote

Good Morning everyone, here is my link to slides for Breadth First Search

Aidan Samuel

Just uploaded my slides for the Enumerator talk: https://speakerdeck.com/cyclotron3k/fun-with-enumerator