2017.03.29 [Melbourne] Ruby Meetup

Great meetup as usual, summary is below. Video and slides will be added as available or post yourself below.

The long road to Internet

By Melissa Kaulfuss

This is Melissa’s life story how she became a developer. After changing multiple careers, she finally landed developer position. Constantly followed by imposter syndrome and anxiety Melissa got it under control, as she said: just focus on things that you love.

Rails Girls Summer of Code 2017

by Sophie McDonald

What is it, how it works and who is involved.


Why you should stop using Slack

By Keith Pitt

This is a talk how real-time ASAP collaboration may be doing you more harm than good. Inspired by the article:

Lightning talk: Restroom: API Gems The Easy Way

by Simon Hildebrandt

While trying to improve on the existing Bitbucket gem, we stumbled on this one weird trick for building gems for RESTful APIs.

Lightning talk: Vue.js in Rails 5.1

by Andrew Kalek

In Rails 5.1 it became easy to integrate client side frameworks. Vue.js is a powerful library which makes writing JS apps quick and easy.

Hey guys,

I uploaded the Vue.js application that I was building during the flash talk.
See here: https://github.com/anlek/melbourne-ruby-presentation-03-2017

I also added a few more features to show off other things vue.js is good at :wink:

Let me know if you have any questions!