On May 12th at 2:30pm AWST, at Rails Camp 25 (Woodman Point Recreation Camp, in Perth, Western Australia), Ruby Australia will be holding a Special General Meeting.
This General Meeting is an opportunity for both the committee to report back to the community on what’s been happening, and also for you to ask questions and raise issues with the committee. Everyone is welcome to attend, whether or not you are at Rails Camp (though we recognise that those not at camp will likely find that unfeasible - something we want to address in this meeting).
As part of the proceedings, there will be committee elections for the roles of Vice President and two General Members. We’ve detailed more about these roles elsewhere on the forum, and encourage people to submit nominations (whether for themselves or for others in the community).
We will also be considering two Special Resolutions to alter our constitution, for the purpose of allowing these general meetings to take place online (and thus remove the need to be physically present and at a Rails Camp to take part). These are also outlined in a separate thread, and we encourage conversation about these changes to take place there. If you wish to vote on them but cannot be present, please coordinate with another member who will be there to be your proxy and vote on your behalf.
Our draft agenda is below. It may change, and we welcome further suggestions, but please keep in mind any proposed resolutions must be submitted by April 12th.
- Acknowledgement of Country
- Welcome and Introductions
- Ruby Australia’s Purpose
- Introduce Current Committee
- Ratify minutes from the previous general meeting (November 25th 2018)
- President’s Report
- Treasurer’s Report
- Sponsorship for 2019/2020 Financial Year
- Event Reports
- Rails Camp 24 (Hobart) - Caitlin Palmer-Bright, Toby Nieboer
- Rails Camp 25 (Perth) - Celia King, Vanessa Nimmo, Sam Cochran
- Rails Camp 26
- RubyConf AU 2019 - Pat Allan et al
- RubyConf AU 2020 - Rachael Goodenough et al
- RailsGirls - Sharon Vaughan
- Meetups
- Committee Elections
- Vice President
- 2 x General Members (Sharon’s position, plus the open position)
- Thank you to the outgoing committee members
- Special Resolution 2019.1: Constitutional Change to clarify schedule of Special General Meetings.
- Special Resolution 2019.2: Constitutional Change to allow online attendance of General Meetings.
- General Business
Special Resolution 2019.1: Constitutional Change to clarify schedule of Special General Meetings.
The association resolves that point 31.2 of the constitution be altered from the following:
Special general meetings are held twice a year on the Sunday of the Association’s Rails Camp events, which include the ordinary business of electing some of the members of the Committee.
To instead be:
Special general meetings are held once a year, roughly halfway between the yearly schedule of Annual General Meetings, and can include the ordinary business of electing some of the members of the Committee.
Special Resolution 2019.2: Constitutional Change to allow online attendance of General Meetings.
The association resolves to remove section 35 of the constitution - Use of technology - in its entirety from the constitution.
35 Use of technology
A member not physically present at a general meeting will not be able to participate in the meeting by the use of technology and must appoint a Proxy in order to cast a vote.
The use and behaviour of proxies are covered without the specific frame of technology in section 34.
If you’ve any thoughts, questions or feedback about this meeting, please do respond here or email us: contact@ruby.org.au.