Tips from past committee members

Our best piece of advice to pass forward on how to be effective as committee members in running Ruby Australia.

If you are leaving RubyAU committee leave your message to the future committee members.

Previous feedback

Richie Khoo (2011-2012) @richiekhoo - “Help the noobs.”

Richie Khoo (2011-2012) @richiekhoo - “As the inaugural secretary, I would expect secretary role going forward would take no more than a few hours a month on average.”

Keith Pitty (2011-2012) @keithpitty - “Remember that the purpose of Ruby Australia is to support the Australian Ruby community. As I write, I see that support consisting of helping to smooth the transition from one Rails Camp to the next, helping organise Ruby conferences and publicising local Ruby meetups. In essence I like to think that three words encapsulate our community: respect, share, code.”

The committee is your chance to affect change within the community. Having something you want to champion in mind, or being able to take charge/assist with one of the items/goals the committee is currently working on will make your time here rewarding, engaging and actually pretty damned fun.