Title: Ruby on Rails Developer / full time flexible (Alexandria, Sydney)
Offering $100K a year
We’re looking for an experienced Ruby on Rails developer to work on our startup.
The position is full-time but flexible, so you can come in early/leave early, or start late/finish late. There’s also the opportunity to work from home/remotely 1 day a week if you’re interested in that.
The salary is up to 100K p/y for the right candidate.
We’re looking for someone who is not only a skilled Ruby on Rails developer, but has experience with:
- frontend dev (there’s a substantial javascript frontend for our project)
- sysadmin stuff (i.e. setting up and configuring a server - we use AWS)
- Git and CI
You’ll also be a good problem solver.
If you’re interested in this position, please reply to this post or send your details to jointheteam@creatio.com.au
Look forward to hearing from you!