Part-time/casual Rails app development/support (AU but remote)

About the company
SAHMRI is South Australia’s independent, not-for-profit health and medical research institute. We believe in a healthier future for all Australians. We listen to the needs of our communities to deliver research that changes the way healthcare is delivered. Through research excellence, innovation and strategic partnerships, we turn discoveries in health and medical research into impact for the community to improve their lives and the health of all Australians.

About the position

We have a Rails v5 app that supports an internal customer. Over the years it’s been maintained both by internal resources and by external vendors and we’re looking for a new freelancer/vendor that would be interested in taking over.

Three environments (2 x DEV, 1 x PROD) all on Heorku, so deploys, maintenance, etc. are all pretty cruisy. Code is in BitBucket cloud.

Tasks are:

  • New features for the customer
  • Keeping platforms up to date
  • Bugfixes

There’s probably not that much work to do on a yearly basis. Our internal customer is very nice and reasonable, so although there are occasionally things that they want do by a given date, the remainder of the work can be fitted around your other commitments. There is a backlog of stuff they want done, so if we agree that we’re a good match, they’d ideally like to get started on working through things soon, as their budget allows.

We’re an Australian organisation, so only interested in Australian resources for billing and timezone convenience.

Please email me at andrew.brock[at] if you’re interested or want more info.

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