Ruby Australia Special General Meeting (SGM) Minutes - June 2022

June 20, 2022


  • Pat Allan
  • Nick Wolf
  • Celia Colquhoun King
  • Mark Glossop
  • Sharon Vaughan
  • Kirsten Comandich
  • Lee Sheppard
  • Nadia Vu
  • Kevin Garcia-Fernandez
  • Lauren Hennessy


  • Mathew Button
  • Toby Neiboer


Meeting began at 7:05pm AEST.

Introduction (Pat Allan)

  • Welcome.
  • Acknowledgement of Country.
  • Introduction of Ruby Australia, and of Pat as host.
  • Outlining the approach for online meetings - using raised hand feature to ask a question.
  • Introducing the rest of the committee.

Ratify Previous GM Minutes

  • From Nov, 2021.
  • Use the Yes/No feature to vote.
  • Motion passes without dissent.

President’s Report (Nick Wolf)

  • President for the past twelve months.
  • Past twelve months have been difficult with ongoing CoVID challenges.
  • Some things we have been able to achieve, and I must acknowledge the many significant contributions of the committee in helping us achieve these:
  • Kieran successfully ran RailsCamp in Adelaide for the first time since the Pandemic.
  • We’ve continued to maintain RoRO meetups happening online.
  • We’ve continued to work on RailsGirls events.
  • We also had Mat step up to act in the role of Treasurer.

No questions for Nick.

Treasurer’s Report (Nick Wolf)

  • We have 43K in our transaction account as of the end of April and 81K in our Saving account as of the end of March. This collectively represents the our total funds for use for next year’s Conf.
  • Our major expense recently was RailsCamp, which did run at a loss but was within expected bounds and helped reconnect the community.


  • No questions

Sponsorship (Mark Glossop)

  • We had 5 emerald sponsors who’s sponsorship covered RailsCamp.
  • We had a new Sponsor come on board. (HotDoc)
  • The Prospectus will be completed soon.

No questions for Mark.

RailsCamp Adelaide

  • RailsCamp successfully ran in Feb this year. It had significant ticket sales. All attendees were required to CoVID test before attening and managed to avoid anyone reporting contracting CoVID during the event.


No further questions.

RubyConf AU (Nick Wolf)

  • We’ve spoken with Deb about coming on board as an official organizer for RubyConf 2023.

Meetups (Nick Wolf/Kevin Garcia-Fernandez/Mark Glossop)

  • Nick: Meetups have continued to run thanks to Kevin and Mat. Attendance has fallen slightly but we are excited for attendance to increase with a return to in person events, hopefully soon if a venue can be located.

No questions on meetups.

Elections (Pat Allan)

  • Most roles are twelve month terms.
  • Some elections happen at the SGMs (April/May), some at the AGMs (Oct/Nov) to ensure there’s overlap in terms, and knowledge/context sharing.
  • Four roles up for election: Vice President, (Treasurer is outstanding), and two General Members. All one year terms except for Treasurer which is two years.
  • Nominations can be for yourself or someone else. Anyone nominated must be on this call to accept.
  • Votes only required if more than one candidate per position.
  • There was previously a nomination for Mat as Treasurer which he accepted.
  • There was previously a nomination for Bradley as a general member which he accepted.

Vice President

  • The Vice President’s role is to assist the president to guide the overall direction of the organisation, and make sure the committee runs smoothly. We generally expect this role to be 3+ hours a week, and it is a 12 month position.
  • Lauren nominates Sharon for election, Nick seconds and Sharon Accepts.
  • No other nominations, Sharon is reelected unopposed.


  • The treasurer’s role is to handle all matters financial. We generally expect this role to be 4-5 hours a week, and it is a 24 month position.
  • Nick nominates Mat for election, Mark seconds.
  • No other nominations, Mat is elected unopposed.

General Members x2

  • General members are tasked with supporting the current needs of the organisation in various ways. They could be focused on things like a website or sponsorship, social media, other member communication. The general goal is to utilise the strengths and interests of every member to their best effect and generally give them autonomy over what they do. Time commitment is 2-3 hours a week and these are 12-month terms.
  • The general members whose terms have finished are Mark, and Matt.
  • Nick: nominates Mark for reelection, Sharon seconds.
  • Nick: nominates Bradley for election, Mark seconds.
  • Sharon nominates Ceels for election for the 6 month general member position. Nick seconds. Ceels Accepts.
  • No other nominations. Mark, Bradley and Ceels are elected unopposed.

General Business


Meeting closed at 8:13PM AEDT.

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