Anton Katunin
Nadia Vu
Pat Allan
Toby Nieboer
Caitlin Palmer-Bright
Elle Meredith
Lachlan Hardy
Cameron Picton
Rachelle LeQuesne
Ramya Ravindranath
Julie Huang
Ana Djordjevic
Tom Ridge
Geoffrey Donaldson
Phil Nash
Jarod Reyes
Samuel Cochran
Annette Drapalski
Celia King
Lauren Hennessy
Marta Scaramella
Matt Stevenson
Sharon Vaughan
Melissa Kaulfuss
Pat opens the meeting with acknowledgement of traditional owners
Summary of Ruby Australia’s purpose
Presidents report
It seems like it was a long time since last camp. We’ve accomplished a lot since then, I’d to acknowledge the committee and a lot of what they’ve been working on. Much of it is a continuation from what Lauren started during her term.
The website has been progressing, we had 3 completed blocks of work, but it was going to be a significant amount to continue so we’ve decide to take that project on board as a community project, led by Ana.
Rachelle has been responding to queries about sponsors and updating our offers. Rachelle has been able to expand the number of companies interested.
We’ve been discussing having individual sponsorships from members, which the individual contributions can be used for things like RailsGirls or other specific purposes.
Namibia has been looking into what we can apply for in terms of Grants. We may be able to fund things for Railsgirls and make it even bigger and possibly reallocate funds to other things. She’s been speaking to many people who’s been very helpful. It is a deep shame to be losing her from the committee.
Our Forum recently celebrated our 1st birthday, it’s where our committee and GM’s notes are, Anton has really championed the forums.
We set up a new Code of Conduct, we’ve run two events on that, it has a version number at the bottom and it’s visible on the website.
Caitlin has been doing a lot of work on Alcohol laws and how they apply to different states and we are thanks to her compliant in all states and territories, if things change we’ve been prepared.
Lachlan has been working to outsource a large number of our documents to help other communities and has been working to help set that up for others to benefit from.
RORO we’ve changed our funding model and fund Adelaide, Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne at the same rate and we’ve provided label printers for Melbourne and Sydney and offered them to Brisbane and Adelaide so they can use the Meetup pictures and names.
RailsCamp 22 we had 86 humans and 1 tiger snake, ran at slight loss 1-2 thousand.
RailsCamp 23 we had 60 attendees, roughly $700 profit, and an escape room
RailsCamp 24 Caitlin and Toby are running 24 together which will be in Tasmania. (mid to late Oct)
RailsCamp 25 WA’s turn, anyone’s who’s interested we’d love to hear from you.
RubyConf 2018
It was great, had 420 attending with a small profit
RubyConf 2019 We’re returning to Melbourne, potential organisers are encouraged to contact the committee to join the existing organising team.
Vice President
Nomination for Lachlan Hardy by Lachlan Hardy
Second from Anton Katunin
Nomination for Caitlin Palmer-Bright by Melissa Kaulfuss
Second by Pat Allan
Lachlan withdraws nomination
Caitlin Elected Vice President
General Member
Nomination for Lachlan Hardy by Nick Wolf
Second by Caitlin Palmer-Bright
Nomination: Sharon Vaughan by Toby
Second: Caitlin Palmer-Bright
Phil Nash
Nomination: Jarod Reyes
Second: Toby Nieboer
Matt Stevenson
Nomination: Toby Nieboer
Second: Rachelle LeQuesne
Lachlan Hardy and Sharon Vaughan elected for 12 month positions
6 month General Member
Standing nominations for Matt and Phil
Nomination of Melissa Kaulfuss by Toby Nieboer
Second by Lauren Hennessy
Matt Stevenson elected for 6 month position
General Business
How much does the Ruby Community support ElixirGirls?
They organize their own Sponsorship, we help with the accounting, and with time rather than finances, they are covered by our insurance.
Helping other communities is the right thing to do.
How can sponsors give support other than money?
Hire security for events, RSA hire, venues and just generally spreading the word about our cool community.
We have quite a lot of money in the bank, but that is to cover a number of large costs and events, such as camps, conferences, ROROs, Hosting, Insurance and Legal Compliance.
No Further Business.
Meeting Closed.