Ruby Australia AGM - 23rd June 2013

Ruby Australia Annual General Meeting Minutes

23rd June, 2013



1. Opening Statements

Opening statements by PA. Explained what Ruby Australia is.

Martin Stannard (VP) + Jason Stirk (Treasurer) + Warren Seen (General Member) absent.

Steve Gilles is collecting names for those in attendance.
OH: “He’s like: 'What’s your name and are you looking for work? Let me take you to lunch.”

Up for grabs: VP spot and 2 General Members spots.

2. Treasurer’s Report

TODO: Include Jason’s report here (text from Basecamp?)

Clifford Heath asks why there is only $10k in the interest bearing account. The answer is because receipts have not be reconciled and the RubyConf AU 2 venue has not had a deposit put down.

Ben says that the Treasurer’s job is pretty difficult, saying that the handover process needs to be smoother and that is currently being worked on.

Dylan Lacey asks where the receipts information would be available. The answer is on the site.

Motion approved.

Lachie Cox asks why the accountants (Interactive Accounting) were selected as opposed to all others. Josh Price and Ben Schwarz explain that on July 1st Ruby Australia will be GST registered finally, due to going over $150k in revenue (thanks to RubyConf AU 1)

Josh Price lets slip that next Ruby Conf AU will be at Luna Park in Sydney.

Ben continues explaining, saying that the accountants were also chosen due to their familarity with Xero, which will make the process of accounting more transparent for the entire organisation.

JP: “They seem pretty sharp. … They don’t do paper, at all.”

3. Jason Stirk’s Re-election

Discussion went on that Jason Stirk should be re-elected Treasurer for the next term as well, to make the management of the treasury smoother.

John Barton puts forward the motion for discussion of election terms during the next General Meeting.

Short discussion by Luke Chadwick regarding an “Assistant Treasurer” role. Motion is tabled for now. The role will be observed for 6 months and if the Treasurer needs help then the idea of this role will again be discussed.

Motion Approved for JB’s re-election rules.

4. President’s Report

Ben first thanks Keith Pitty for his initial work on the organisation.

Ben announces Rails Girls support for Ruby Australia:

“The entity exists to change the way Ruby exists in the country; to make it better for the entire community. I think it’s important to support parts of the community, and so Ruby Australia will now be supporting Rails Girls in Australia.”

Motion approved.

5. Secretary’s Report

Ryan mentions AUSKey paperwork is ongoing. Proper paperwork filed with Consumer Affairs Victoria, and ATO paperwork will be done in the coming week or two. Once this is done, the deposit on RubyConf AU 2 venue will be paid, and the organisation work for RubyConf AU 2 will begin.

6. Josh Price’s comments on Ruby Conf AU 2

JP announces that Luna Park (in Sydney) is the “primary” venue for Ruby Conf AU. Feb 19th-21st 2014, Wednesday -> Friday. “The main problems with the old venue [in Melbourne], were the lack of space and WiFi problems. We’re doing it properly this time.”

Dylan asks: “When will the call for sponsors open?” Answer by Josh Price: “When we’ve locked in the venue. We want to approach all previous sponsors and give them the option first. Once that’s done, then we’ll open it up to the general. Getting some keynote speakers locked in and getting tickets rolling is what’s after that.”

Pat Allan asks: “Who’s running this next conference?” Answer: “Steve Gilles, Josh Price, Elle Meredith, Jason Crane and Georgina Robilliard”

Josh finishes.

7. The Next Rails Camp

Pat asks if anyone has any idea on where the next Rails Camp would be.

Lachlan Hardy says that “while it’s good to go back to the same places, the better idea would be to go to places where we haven’t been before.”

Dylan Lacey says he would be interested in organising one in Brisbane.

Lachie Cox says he would be interested in organising one in Sydney.

Phil Oye asks that some respect be shown to “those of us who are camping” when it comes to deciding where a Rails Camp is in Winter. (This Rails Camp has been in the MINUSES overnight). Having it in Brisbane during the Winter would be better. Phil also says that there’s no harm in queuing up the next two Rails Camps.

OH: Phil suggests: “Mandatory camping.”

Keith Pitty suggests having a camp near Sydney for the next one, Brisbane for the camp after that.

Tim McEwan says that voting for members will be effected by who’s organising the next camp. Pat Allan replies, suggesting Dylan and Lachie are both made general members during the election.

8. Voting for VP + 2 General Members

Pat Allan: "What does a VP do?"
Ben Schwarz: “Take a bullet for me. Na… supports me in what I do, someone who’s full of wisdom. Someone who’s quite senior in the Ruby Community…”

Jason Crane nominates Josh Price. Seconds from Phil Oye + others. Josh accepts.

David Goodlad nominates John Barton “on all the same reasons besides the one about being ‘good looking’”. Seconds from the audience. John Barton accepts.

Josh Price says “there’s more practical reasons for me being on the committee. I am organising the next RubyConf AU, I have access to the bank account and I’m already doing the role. … Helping Ruby Australia do all that stuff.”

John Barton says: “The main benefit for me is to be the representative for Victoria. Ben will be out in 6 months, and to add some perspective from there … I guess Josh is better”.

Josh Price: 24 votes.
John Barton: 6 votes.

Josh Price is now Vice President of Ruby Australia.

Phil Oye nominates Lachie Cox for GM. Elle Meredith seconds, as does Jason Crane. “[jokingly] For the impending Rails Camp in Sydney that will happen in Summer”. Lachie accepts.

Keith Pitty nominates Elle Meredith. Jason Crane seconds. KP: “Ideal because she’s representing the diversity in the community.” Elle acccepts.

John Barton nominated by Gareth. John Barton accepts.

Wayne Robinson nominates Dylan Lacey. Seconded by Pat. Dylan accepts.

Suggestion to raise Committee Members from 6 to 8 (made by Pat Allan), so that all nominated can join the committee. Keith Pitty seconded.

Motion passed to expand general committee member numbers to 4.

Josh Price brings up idea of having special spots on the committee for “Rails Camp organisers”. Motion tabled.

Motion passed to elect John Barton, Elle Meredith, Lachie Cox and Dylan Lacey to the committee. Ruby Australia site to be updated with these members soon.

8. Discussion of Ruby Australia money

Phil Oye asks if we have a plan with the profit from Rails Camps and Ruby Confs. Ben Schwarz says that the money will be used to ‘support Ruby and Ruby events’, mentions that the charter says that we’re a not-for-profit organisation.

Josh Price says that we need a safe buffer (“of about $50k”) just in case of the problem where we might have to cancel a conference.

Phil says “lowering the price of the conference could be a good way to use the available money.” Josh Price replies: “subsidising ticket prices for students would be a good way too”

John Barton asks “can we formalize that a specific buffer is set aside in the case of emergencies? A specific amount that we know is earmarked so that we can dip into it if need be. [For Rails Camps, etc]” Motion postponed until next committee meeting. It should be decided then if a report should be presented at the next General Meeting.

Ben Schwarz suggests giving groups (such as RailsGirls) a certain chunk of cash to organise events too. Elle Meredith says that she will note down the expenses of the event and notify Ben of them.

Josh Price suggests reviewing any proposals for money for sponsoring Ruby nuturing within the community.

Motion passed.